Want to create the perfect app stack for your business? Agilis Books is here to help you navigate the Xero App Store, to create a perfectly connected and integrated Xero system.



Software technology has evolved massively in the past decade, with cloud-based apps now fundamental to many of the internal and external processes of a business. To ensure you are getting the best from the available tech, it is important to choose the right apps and create the ideal ‘app stack’ for your business in its specific sector. 

But how do you know if the latest ‘must-have app’ is really going to be an asset or just an additional software cost? 

The Xero app store is a good place to start so that your apps integrate with your accounting system.



Building the Perfect App Stack


Before you dive headfirst into the Xero app store, it is important to do your homework and give yourself some firm foundations regarding which to base your app purchase decisions on. 


Here, we have some pointers to consider when making this decision: 


a) Decide on the main aims of your software systems. 

Look at the specific aims of the business and tie each app into the various operations within your business model. A construction company, for example, will need a site management tool, staffing solutions, health & safety tools, and an inventory app; to mention just a few.

b) Make sure your apps integrate with Xero.

Xero’s open API (Application Programming Interface) allows all the apps in the app store to connect directly with Xero. This means that data and financial information can flow seamlessly between your apps and Xero, helping you keep all your management information up to date.

c) Look for opportunities to automate manual processes. 

If there is a low-level manual process in your business, try to find a way for your apps to automate this. For example, a credit control app, like Chaser, will send out automatic payment reminders to your customers if their invoice becomes overdue. A bookkeeping app, like Receipt Bank, will snap photos of your receipts and automatically digitise and code the contents.

d) Research the app market in depth. 

Look at online reviews, talk to your industry network and find out which apps your peers trust and would recommend. Where possible, try out free trials and demos, so you have had some hands-on experience of the apps in your shortlist. The more user time you have, the easier your purchasing decisions will be.

At Agilis Books, we do use Xero software.

e) Look for an excellent user interface (UI)

If you and your team are going to be using an app every day, it needs to be easy to use, with a small learning curve. Choose apps that have a great UI and offer a quality user experience. The sooner you can get up and running with your solution, the more value this app will add to your business.

f) Partner with apps who offer excellent customer support.

The functionality and ease-of-use of your app are obviously important considerations when you are looking to buy – but do not underestimate the importance of solid, helpful, and personalised customer support. Look for apps with phone support, good customer service ratings and a happy and satisfied user base. We recommend checking app forums to get the lowdown on this.


Talk To Us About Your App Requirements. 


Our job at Agilis Books is not just to deal with your numbers. We can also help review your operations, formulate the most efficient systems, and choose the apps that can deliver the most effective and productive business performance enhancement. 

If you are looking to create your perfect app stack, we can help you navigate the Xero app store and create a perfectly connected and integrated Xero system. Contact Agilis Books today! 


This blog was originally published by BOMA, but has had edits made by Agilis Books for the benefit of our readers.